Background: An ever growing body of evidences is emerging concerning metabolism hormones,\r\nneurotransmitters or stress-related biomarkers as effective modulators of eating behavior and body weight in\r\nmammals. The present study sought at examining the density and affinity of two proteins related to\r\nneurotransmission and cell metabolism, the serotonin transporter SERT and the cholesterol import-benzodiazepine\r\nsite TSPO (translocator protein), in a rodent leptin-lacking mutant, the obese ob/ob mouse. Binding studies were\r\nthus carried out in brain or peripheral tissues, blood platelets (SERT) and kidneys (TSPO), of ob/ob and WT mice\r\nsupplied with a standard diet, using the selective radiochemical ligands [3H]-paroxetine and [3H]-PK11195.\r\nResults: We observed comparable SERT number or affinity in brain and platelets of ob/ob and WT mice, whilst a\r\nsignificantly higher [3H]-PK11195 density was reported in the brain of ob/ob animals. TSPO binding parameters\r\nwere similar in the kidneys of all tested mice. By [3H]-PK11195 autoradiography of coronal hypothalamichippocampal\r\nsections, an increased TSPO signal was detected in the dentate gyrus (hippocampus) and choroids\r\nplexus of ob/ob mice, without appreciable changes in the cortex or hypothalamic-thalamic regions.\r\nConclusions: These findings show that TSPO expression is up-regulated in cerebral regions of ob/ob leptindeficient\r\nmice, suggesting a role of the translocator protein in leptin-dependent CNS trophism and metabolism.\r\nUnchanged SERT in mutant mice is discussed herein in the context of previous literature as the forerunner to a\r\ndeeper biochemical investigation.